Foot path in Cameron Park ~ Waco, TX
(Photo by Karen Wood)
Lift the veil from my eyes, Oh Lord!
Let me peek out from behind the curtain
That shrouds my vision,
Keeping me from seeing You ~
My Beloved, my Teacher, my Guide!
Unmask me!
Remove the shades from my eyes!
Let me open wide to Your Beauty,
Your Wisdom, Your Eternal Truth!
Let me see as I have never seen before
Your abundant Grace ~
The feast You have prepared for me
And the foot path You have
Marked for my Way.
Open my eyes, Oh Holy One!
Open my eyes so that I may see You!
Blind me with Your Holy Presence
So that I have no need to ever see again,
Except by Your guiding, ineffable Fiery Light
~ By Karen Wood