Friday, November 25, 2011

I Am Only Half Here ...

Background to the meditation musing below:

Most mornings, after meditating, I open my journal and write whatever reflection seems to just "hang in the ethers" ~ and often prayers or poems result.

This particular morning, I felt guided, instead, to draw.

I pulled out a pencil and doodled.  Obviously, my artwork leaves much to be desired!

I then pulled out a few colored pencils and "colored" the lines.  I just sat and stared at the drawing for a long, long while.

After sitting with the so-called "artwork," the meditation musing below just poured from my heart. 

I cannot explain the connection between the artwork and the prayer below, but I figure my Soul somehow must understand, and I suppose that's all that matters.

I Am Only Half Here ...

I am only half here ...
I am incomplete
Without You ~
Master Designer!

My heart is not whole
Until it beats in sync with Your Heart.

My ears cannot truly hear
Until You listen through them.

I utter babble
Until You speak through me.

My mind runs wild and restless
Until Your Mind tames and soothes it.

I live fruitlessly and hopelessly
Until Your Life enfolds me.

I wander aimlessly
Until I walk with You.

I am only half here ...
I am incomplete
Without You ~
Holy Beloved!

Make me Whole ~ and Holy ~
As I merge into You.

Oh, Divine Love!
Complete me!

~ By Karen Wood


  1. You have really captured the essence of our yearning for the One!

  2. WooHoo! Keep posting the artwork. It's so fun and colorful.

    And, ditto to what Doug said. You've got the emotion of a Bhakti (a devotee who's primary link to the Divine is devotional in nature).

  3. Absolutely beautiful, Karen. As Doug and Brenda have suggested, your genuine devotion to the One, the Truth, the Light -- to LOVE -- is clear and powerful.

    Thank you!
