Saturday, July 7, 2012

Entering the Divine Womb

(Photo by Karen Wood)

I enter Your Holy Womb,
Divine Mother,
And sink deep into prayer
In Your sacred, dark, feminine nest.

May I always hear Your Voice there
Along with Your Loving Heartbeat.

May I always be strengthened ~
Nourished by the Wisdom
That feeds my Soul there.

May I always find rest for my journey
Cradled within Your waiting belly.

And may I ever heed the calls
You whisper to me ...
And carry forth the songs
You sing to me there.

~ By Karen Wood


  1. Gorgeous photo and lovely thoughts to remember.

  2. I echo Brenda's comment, Karen. Your deep love and affection for Divine Mother is evident, and, no doubt, the feeling is mutual. (Beautiful red rose!)
